I have overblogged. I read too many blogs and have been blogging every night.
This exercise over stimulates my brains,
I find hard to sleep. while trying to sleep I think about my fellow bloggers and things I've read.
I did not have caffeine but feel equally as high. Highly charged with emotions and opinions.
I wrote my blog and commented on other people's blogs..late into the night searching...
I am frustrated to find no new entry on some of my favourite blogs..like missing an episode of my favourite series. It's 2 am and I can't sleep.
It's 9am and I can't wake. It's 3pm and I want to sleep. It's 5pm and I want to blog ...again.
Like the newly weds, I am having my honeymoon now with the blog. We have yet quarrel or grown sick of each other.
It's a blogger's suicide to continue this.. so my friends tonight I shall play you some piped-in music.. enjoy while I go brain dead for tonight.
wah lau...you have said exactly how i am feeling too man. Am now like a drug addict....my nose is running and eyes are tearing if i don't blog. I even need to beg my husband for half an hour to borrow his laptop to blog. some more need to become Kenny G and Mariah Carey in order for him to lend me his bloody computer. OH MAN! this is so damn sick. How to cure this problem? I need to go for Blogger REHAB....no~! No~! No~!.....
Wake Up...
It's time to Blog...
Wake Up...
It's time to Blog...
Wake Up...
It's time to Blog...
Wake Up...
It's time to Blog...
is there some snide remark about your marriage somewhere in your post?
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