Saturday, March 28, 2009

Primitive Hour

Just One Hour then its back to our usual ways.


Dorabie said...

so cute...they must have enjoyed themselves very much...:) can see from the mood the photos.

diane said...

yup.. they loved it. its blowing candles hour for them.
Over and over and over. Non Stop. For raymond its camera time. For me it peace and quiet and comfort cos I have done my little bit. We all have..Hooray!

Joshua said...

Nice pic...Happy Earth Hour...

diane said...

thanks Josh! Happy Hour to you too. You switch off lights also?

tyan said...

nice to c ur photo. i have try my best to do for the earth hour....close all the light except the tv. My papa make noise of it, so like this lo....cant really shut off....sighs....

i should stay at KL