Friday, April 24, 2009

Hole lee Crap!

Hole lee days..
Hole lee ness..
Hole lee Cow?
but today, all I would like to say is Hole lee Crap!
Full of crap. the kind of crap people can offload is simply amazing.
The amount of crap a person can take before exploding is also equally as amazing.
So its been a productive day.. but yet it too is a pretty crappy day cos some where out in the wild .. some crappy buggers have passed some real dung into our systems. 
Real crap.. leaving me and many of us a distaste.... 

1 comment:

Dorabie said...

honestly, crap is really necessary, we need to dispose the unwanted in our body and its a form of detox. But in your case, i think u are referring to something else. :(